Popular bicycle market on its way

Celebrating the new academic year in Lyngby

The planning and organisation of the popular bicylce market ‘Biketown Showdown’ is already well on its way. Soon students will be able to look forward to purchasing a cheap, second-hand bike, when the City of Knowledge once again celebrates the beginning of the new academic year for the more than 15.000 students in Lyngby.

The City of Knowledge aims to create a vibrant university town for the many students in Lyngby. To provide the students with the best possible conditions to begin their studies, the City of Knowledge is organising an annual bicycle market for students in September.

In 2017 Biketown Showdown is held at Lyngby Torv Sunday September 17 from 11 am – 2 pm and students will be able to enjoy a number of exciting activities such as a treasure hunt, ‘Know thy City’, guided bike tours, favorable prizes and Sebastian Dorset as conferencier.

The City of Knowledge, TEC, North Zealand Police, Prison Services and the local music venue Templet has signed a 2-year partnership agreement and the non-profit projekt is thereby already on the drawing board for 2018.