Calling All Internationals: A new club for internationals

Esbjerg, Odense, Århus, Vejle and many other places have one – and now we would like to hear if you are curious to explore the idea of making an International Club (“forening”) in Lyngby and put a mark on the activities offered in and around Lyngby-Taarbæk. Your input is valued!

Creating a “forening” can give you new possibilities and a community.  4 out of 10 Danes are members of one or more “foreninger” and usually meet other people through the interaction taking place here. We believe it could be beneficial for the expat community, curious Danes and the society at large to have a set-up and place to meet under a “forenings” umbrella.

At the meeting we will go through what a “forening” is and what it entails, showcase an example, and then devote most of the time to have a talk about your interest(s) in being part of a new community. As a minimum it would require 3 active and engaged persons who would be keen on devoting some time and energy to help run the “forening”, e.g. membership, activitites and coordination in general. We, Science City Lyngby and the Municipality of Lyngby-Taarbæk, will assist as much as possible to make it a succes.

The Danish ‘Foreningskultur’

The concept of ‘foreninger’ is unique to Scandinavian culture and social life. A “forening” is a democratic, organisation based on, and run by, membership with a common theme, goal, or activity. This is how almost all sports clubs, leisure activities, interest-based clubs and societies, and many of the volunteer organisations work in Denmark and it is where many people form a network outside work and school. Being a part of a ‘forening’ is a great way to meet new people and form a network.

We hope there is a strong interest to establish an International Club/Forening and will plan next steps at the end of the meeting.

Please NOTE this event is open for all expats and not restricted to only those living/working i the city.

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