The Art of Storytelling

På vegne af Microsoft, inviteres medlemmer af Vidensbyen til et oplæg under titlen: ‘The Art of Storytelling’.

Arrangementet afholdes torsdag 12. maj 2016 Kl. 15.30-16.30 hos Microsoft i Lyngby.

Om oplægsholderen:

“James Whittaker is an energetic and passionate software executive with substantial engineering, research, writing and speaking credentials. His background spans government, academia, a successful start-up and leadership roles in top technology corporations. He has shipped major software titles at IBM, Google and Microsoft; he’s published dozens of peer-reviewed research papers and authored 5 award-winning and best-selling technical books. He has won “best-of-show” awards at conferences across the globe. James is well known for his visionary leadership and his passion for hard core engineering practices.”

Arrangementet vil foregå på engelsk.

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