Relocare and Science City Lyngby presents Mentor Program

We proudly present you our brand-new Cross-Border Talent Bridge Mentor Program in collaboration with the municipality Copenhagen, Science City Lyngby and the EU Interreg Öresund-Kattegat-Skagerrak.

This new program is a partnership between Sweden and Denmark. The aim is to attract and retain international professionals in the Öresund Region. The target group exists of internationals living in Denmark less than 3 years, holding a bachelor’s or master’s degree, having relevant work experience (with the exception of recent graduates) and a work gap of no more than 4 years. The group is a combination of spouses, recent graduates and other internationals aspiring a career in Denmark. They all have completed the 5-day course First Job Copenhagen facilitated by Københavns Erhvervshus.

This year we will run 4 groups of mentees, starting on the 4th of March. The set-up is the same as GCCP, meaning we ask the mentor to meet circa 4 times with the mentee during a time frame of 6 months.
See for more information attached brochure.

We are looking for mentors who would like to join this new program. Therefore, we kindly ask you to share this new opportunity in your network and within your company.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to one of us. We are happy to tell you more.

Let’s build a new network and a new talent pipeline together.

Read more here in the brochure:
Brochure Cross-Border Talent Bridge Mentor Program

Read more at Relocare