Become a member

Take part in an ambitous partnership to empower sustainable urban development


The association is open for new members – private companies and research and educational institutions in Lyngby-Taarbæk – that wish to be part of the alliance. We encourage all businesses, organisations and associations interested in making Lyngby-Taarbæk an international centre of knowledge, growth, and urban development to take part in our work. For further information, please contact CEO Anéh Christina Hajdu at

Benefits of becoming a member include the opportunity to be part of an ambitious and results-oriented alliance in which businesses, educational and research institutions and public authorities cooperate closely. You and key members of your staff can participate in the professional networks, projects as well as events and meetings.

Membership fee

The membership fee is calculated after the number of employees you have on the ground in Lyngby.

Browse all members of Science City Lyngby

Type of membership No. of employees Price
Company & Education institution +500 Employees 165.000 kr./year
Between 301 and 500 employees 82.500 kr./year
Between 151 and 300 employees 55.000 kr./year
Between 26 and 150 employees 27.500 kr./year
Between 5 and 25 employees 11.000 kr./year
Less than 5 employees 5.500 kr./year
Other** Fee is calculated by the board based on relevant criteria
Other*** New companies / Startups can become a member in this category within the first 2 years of their lifetime and pay a reduced fee of 1.000 kr./year.
*) Based on no. of employees geographically placed in Lyngby-Taarbæk Kommune
**) Organisations can apply to the board for admission to the association.
***) This type of membership doesn’t give permission to vote at the General Meeting.



Denunciation of the association must be made in writing to the chairman of the board with 6 months’ notice by 31 December cf. § 3, article. 4 in bylaws of the Science City Lyngby association.